
PDO / PLLA / PLCL-threads


What are PDO/PLLA/PLCL-threads?

The different materials of the threads are PDO (polydioxanone), PLLA (polylactic acid) and PLCL (poly L-lactide + carprolactone).

They are absorbable and adapt perfectly to the shape and texture of the skin to achieve long-lasting results.

The threads can be used almost anywhere on the body to improve the structure of the skin.


Treatment areas

The thread treatment takes about 30 minutes. The threads are inserted using a very fine, sterile needle. The technique makes use of the skin’s natural tension lines. Depending on the treatment area, the threads are inserted subcutaneously, intramuscularly or intra-cutaneously. This achieves an improvement in the skin’s structure, making it denser, tighter, firmer, and more youthful.

The threads are used with the goal of achieving long-lasting skin revitalisation combined with a facelift.



Unlike traditional treatment methods, the threads doesn’t require the use of a scalpel. The procedure is quick and nearly non-invasive.

The threads are made from an absorbable substance, so they dissolve completely within 8 months and are reabsorbed by the tissue as water and carbon dioxide.

The effects of the treatment can last for up to two years!

We are glad to be here for you!

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